2024 AHEW was held Oct. 25-26 at Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C.
Organizing Committee: Anirban Basu, University of Washington; Michael Darden (Local chair), Johns Hopkins; Partha Deb, Hunter College, CUNY; Augustine Denteh, Davidson College; Donna Gilleskie, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Monica Garcia-Perez, Duke University; Melissa Garrido, Boston University; Paul Grootendorst, University of Toronto; Matthew Harris, University of Tennessee; Audrey Laporte, University of Toronto; John Mullahy, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Edward Norton, University of Michigan; Nicholas Papageorge, Johns Hopkins.
- Program Brochure
- Selected Papers: Day 1 Set (Morning), Day 1 Set (Afternoon), Day 2 Set
- Discussion Videos
Discussion Slides
- Session 1A: Garrido discusses Feng, Bilinski; Feng Response
- Session 1B: Bilinski discusses Denteh
- Session 2A: Keane discusses White
- Session 2B: Tilipman discusses Mourot
- Session 3A: Botosaru discusses Deb, Norton; Norton Response
- Session 3B: Deb discusses Langevin; Langevin Response
- Session 4: Panel Discussion, Improving Policy Revelance of Academic Health Economic Research (See Video)
- Session 5A: Kitagawa discusses Crippa
- Session 5B: Mallatt discusses Shi
- Session 6A: Sarzosa discusses Hu
- Session 6B: Agha discusses Jin
About AHEW
AHEW provides a forum to discuss the use of econometric and other quantitative methods to address issues in health economics and policy, health services research, and outcomes research. It is the first meeting of its kind in North America and will facilitate the exchange of ideas among the growing number of health econometricians in the United States and Canada.
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